D - Decisions, Decisions

D is for Decisions, Decisions

Being an adult has its major perks. *Insert eye roll of every person reading this blog post here*. No, really, just hear me out!

One of the major perks of being an adult is getting to make your own decisions. How many times did you curse under your breath at your parents when they kept making all of the decisions for you and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it? As adults, we get to be in charge of our own lives and make decisions we weren’t able to make for ourselves when we were younger. Some of these decisions include (but aren’t limited to) going to bed when we feel like it, eating whatever we desire, dressing the way we want, spending our money any way we please, choosing what show to watch on TV, doing household chores on our own time (if at all)… the list goes on and on!

While being an adult and making our own decisions is fun, it can also be one of the worst things about being an adult. After the novelty of adulthood wears off, we begin to realize that we are in complete control of our own lives and that the decisions we make matter. We begin to realize that there’s no one else who can make decisions for us, and that can be a really daunting notion. The bottom line is this: we are all faced with making decisions, multiple decisions in fact, every single day. Some of these decisions are bigger than others depending on what stage of life you are currently living (i.e what kind of coffee you’re going to order at Caribou vs. what college you’re going to attend vs. if you want to have kids or not), but there are a few things I think everyone should keep in mind when it comes to making decisions. Whether you’re the kind of person that gets anxious when decisions need to be made or you breeze through decision making like a seasoned pro, there are a few things I’ve learned about making decisions that I think everyone should know.  

1.            There are no right or wrong decisions in life.
*Disclaimer: This statement does not apply to decisions that lead to breaking the law, engaging in anything that is horribly immoral, etc. Ok, back to my point!
One of the many beautiful things about life is that there are no right or wrong decisions. While the outcome of some decisions are permanent, most of the decisions we make are not. If you make a decision and don’t like the outcome, guess what? You can change your mind! Whether the decision was as major as choosing a college, moving across the country, or accepting a new job, or as simple as choosing a flavor of coffee at Starbucks, choosing what color shirt to buy, or what you’re having for dinner—you are entitled to change your mind! You can choose to make a different decision that gets you going in a different, more desirable direction. Sure, it may take some work to get there, but if that means you’ll be happier in the end, isn’t that worth it?
“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” –Benjamin Franklin

2.     Making any decision is better than making no decision at all.
When you make a decision, you are choosing to take a step forward in your life. Regardless of the outcome of that decision—good or bad—you learn more about yourself and gain valuable life experience (old people call that ‘wisdom’). If you choose not to make a decision, you go absolutely no where; your life stops dead in its tracks while time continues to pass you by
(which is a real shame if you ask me). There is no map or manual with step by step instructions for our lives—we write your own manuals as we go! We add chapters, we tear pages out, we write with permanent markers, we crumple pages and smooth them out again, we write with pencils and use erasers like maniacs…that’s called living! It’s a beautiful, crazy, messy, blissful, frustrating, exhilarating ride, but let me tell you this…it is a ride worth fighting for!
"The time will pass anyway, you can either spend it creating the life you want or spend it living the life you don't want. The choice is yours." –Anon 

3.     Make your decisions for the right reasons.
When it comes to making decisions in your life, listen to your heart and go after what you truly want—trust your gut! Sure, you can reach out to people and ask their opinions (I do this all the time), but don’t let the opinions of others guilt you into making decisions that you know in your heart you don’t truly want to make. This is YOUR life, and YOU are in control. As much as it pains me to use this acronym—YOLO. I’ve said this many times and I’ll say it again—life is too short to be anything but happy, so live your life in the way that will bring you the most happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment and joy!
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” –Steve Jobs

Your decisions dictate the course of your life. It can be scary to make decisions, and it isn’t always easy (unless the decision is dessert or no dessert—that’s a no brainer). Believe in yourself, put your faith and trust in God, and don’t be afraid to take risks. No matter what happens, you’ll flourish and grow!


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