Travel Day #1: Carlton, MN → Lincoln, NE

 Wow...what a day! Today has been a tiring day filled with goodbyes, emotions and lots time spent in the car. I left my wonderful home in Carlton, Minnesota and have just recently arrived in Lincoln, Nebraska for the night. I have a fancy schmancy (studio) hotel room, complete with kitchen, cable TV, and a walk in shower. Couldn't have asked for more. I almost feel compelled to run around the room and use everything once just to make sure that I'm getting my moneys worth.

As for my drive, all I can say is that I now have an even greater dislike for semi trucks. I'm pretty sure the ratio of any normal vehicles to semi trucks is like, 1 : ∞. Ok, that's obviously a complete over exaggeration, but they seemed to be infinitely abundant the ENTIRE drive. All I could think while passing them or while being surrounded by them was:

1. "STAY" (as if you were talking to a pet, or inanimate objects that won't stay where they
2. "Please don't let one of your gazillion tires burst while I'm passing you, please please
please...(as you're passing chunks of exploded tires on both sides of the road)
3. "I hope you love looking in mirrors, because that's the only way you're going to see me while I'm passing you" (as the semi truck sways back and forth in its lane, teetering on the center line)

The only plus side to the semis was that they provided a tiny amount of protection from the blazing sun when you passed them. Speaking of sun, I'm pretty sure I got more color sitting in my car for 10 hours today than I did all summer...which is kinda sad. 

One last thought for the night then I need to hit the hay. While driving for hours upon hours in one day, you will inevitably find yourself thinking random thoughts. After about 6-7 hours into my drive, I was using reward systems as motivation to keep driving (not like I really had a choice anyways). One of the first motivating thoughts that popped into my head was "when you get to the hotel, you'll be able to watch TV". Initially, that simple thought definitely motivated me, but after a minute or two my perspective shifted slightly.  I watch a lot of TV (mostly Netflix) on a daily basis. In that moment, I was genuinely grateful that instead of sitting and watching TV all day, I got to spend the entire day watching the beautiful landscapes and scenery  that God created, and I wouldn't trade that for any TV show.

For those reading this and getting this far, bless you for taking the time to power through my lengthy blog entry. I hope to keep this blog going for as long as I can, and I look forward to sharing my adventures with you all! :) 

♥ Jane 


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